
Principal DESK

Thank you for taking Ashoka Global School. We hope you will find this prospectus both interesting and informative. It has been designed to give you some insight into our school- our school ethos, our policies and our curriculum.

We work hard to provide a caring environment where your child can feel confident and happy. We provide a wide range of learning experiences and strive to ensure each child can reach their potential.

We face a number of challenges when it comes with students. We must not only ensure that a child is coping but balancing situations socially and emotionally. We need to keep our eyes and ears open for the signs of unhappiness in children. They have to be nurtured, cradled, loved and educated. If we believe to create a new future we must first create a new consciousness in our children. So that the world of tomorrow will be better than today.

We have excellent home school links and look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school.

img Mr. R.L. Sharma (Principal)